לדלג לתוכן

קובץ:Window function and frequency response - Rectangular.svg

תוכן הדף אינו נתמך בשפות אחרות.
מתוך ויקיפדיה, האנציקלופדיה החופשית

לקובץ המקורי (קובץ SVG, הגודל המקורי: 512 × 256 פיקסלים, גודל הקובץ: 157 ק"ב)

ויקישיתוף זהו קובץ שמקורו במיזם ויקישיתוף. תיאורו בדף תיאור הקובץ המקורי (בעברית) מוצג למטה.


English: Window function and its Fourier transform: Rectangular window
תאריך יצירה
מקור נוצר על־ידי מעלה היצירה
יוצר Bob K (original version), Olli Niemitalo, BobQQ
אישורים והיתרים
(שימוש חוזר בקובץ זה)
אני, בעל זכויות היוצרים על עבודה זו, מפרסם בזאת את העבודה תחת הרישיון הבא:
Creative Commons CC-Zero קובץ זה זמין לפי תנאי הקדשה עולמית לנחלת הכלל CC0 1.0 של Creative Commons.
האדם ששייך יצירה להיתר הזה הקדיש את היצירה לנחלת הכלל על־ידי ויתור על כל הזכויות שלו או שלה על היצירה בכל העולם לפי חוק זכויות יוצרים, לרבות כל הזכויות הקשורות או הסמוכות כקבוע בחוק. באפשרותך להעתיק, לשנות, להפיץ, או להציג את היצירה, אפילו למטרות מסחריות, וכל זה אפילו מבלי לבקש רשות.

גרסאות אחרות

The SVG images generated by the enclosed Octave source code replace the older PNG images.

See Window function (rectangular).png for example of writing .png files
 (1 warning)קוד המקור של קובץ SVG זה הוא תקין
Olli Niemitalo מאת perl עם‎‎ נוצרה ה גרפיקה וקטורית
The script below generates these SVG images:

This Octave script is not MATLAB-compatible. Things you may need to install to run the script:

  • Octave
  • gnuplot
  • epstool
  • pstoedit
  • transfig

For viewing the svg files using "display", you may want to install:

  • librsvg2-bin
Gnu Octave and Perl Scripts

Octave code

graphics_toolkit gnuplot
pkg load signal

% Characteristics common to both plots
  set(0, "DefaultAxesFontName", "Microsoft Sans Serif")
  set(0, "DefaultTextFontName", "Microsoft Sans Serif") 
  set(0, "DefaultAxesTitleFontWeight", "bold")
  set(0, "DefaultAxesFontWeight",      "bold")
  set(0, "DefaultAxesFontSize", 20)
  set(0, "DefaultAxesLineWidth", 3)
  set(0, "DefaultAxesBox", "on")
  set(0, "DefaultAxesGridLineStyle", "-")
  set(0, "DefaultAxesGridColor", [0 0 0])  % black
  set(0, "DefaultAxesGridAlpha", 0.25)     % opaqueness of grid
  set(0, "DefaultAxesLayer", "bottom")     % grid not visible where overlapped by graph
function plotWindow (w, wname, wfilename = "", wspecifier = "", wfilespecifier = "")
  close     % If there is a previous screen image, remove it.
  M = 32;   % Fourier transform size as multiple of window length
  Q = 512;  % Number of samples in time domain plot
  P = 40;   % Maximum bin index drawn
  dr = 130; % (dynamic range) Maximum attenuation (dB) drawn in frequency domain plot
  L = length(w);
  B = L*sum(w.^2)/sum(w)^2;              % noise bandwidth (bins)
  n = [0 : 1/Q : 1];
  w2 = interp1 ([0 : 1/(L-1) : 1], w, n);
  if (M/L < Q)
    Q = M/L;
  figure("position", [1 1 1200 600])  % width = 2×height, because there are 2 plots
% Plot the window function
  area(n,w2,"FaceColor", [0 0.4 0.6], "edgecolor", [0 0 0], "linewidth", 1)
  g_x = [0 : 1/8 : 1];    % user defined grid X [start:spaces:end]
  g_y = [0 : 0.1 : 1];
  set(gca,"XTick", g_x)
  set(gca,"YTick", g_y)

% Special y-scale if filename includes "flat top"
  if(index(wname, "flat top"))
    ylimits = [-0.1 1.05];
    ylimits = [0 1.05];
  set(gca,"XTickLabel",[" 0"; " "; " "; " "; " "; " "; " "; " "; "  N"])
% This is a disabled work-around for an Octave bug, if you don't want to run the perl post-processor.
  text(-.18, .4,"amplitude","rotation",90, "Fontsize", 28);
  text(1.15, .4,"decibels", "rotation",90, "Fontsize", 28);

%Construct a title from input arguments.
%The default interpreter is "tex", which can render subscripts and the following Greek character codes:
%  \alpha \beta \gamma \delta \epsilon \zeta \eta \theta \vartheta \iota \kappa \lambda \mu \nu \xi \o
%  \pi \varpi \rho \sigma \varsigma \tau \upsilon \phi \chi \psi \omega.
  if (strcmp (wspecifier, ""))
    title(cstrcat(wname," window"), "FontSize", 28)    
  elseif (length(strfind (wspecifier, "&#")) == 0 )
    title(cstrcat(wname,' window (', wspecifier, ')'), "FontSize", 28)
% The specifiers '\sigma_t' and '\mu' work correctly in the output file, but not in subsequent thumbnails.
% So UNICODE substitutes are used.  The tex interpreter would remove the & character, needed by the Perl script.
    title(cstrcat(wname,' window (', wspecifier, ')'), "interpreter", "none", "FontSize", 28)
  ax1 = gca;
% Compute spectal leakage distribution
  H = abs(fft([w zeros(1,(M-1)*L)]));
  H = fftshift(H);
  H = H/max(H);
  H = 20*log10(H);
  H = max(-dr,H);
  n = ([1:M*L]-1-M*L/2)/M;
  k2 = [-P : 1/M : P];
  H2 = interp1 (n, H, k2);
% Plot the leakage distribution
  h = stem(k2,H2,"-");
  xlim([-P P])
  ylim([-dr 6])
  set(gca,"YTick", [0 : -10 : -dr])
  set(findobj("Type","line"), "Marker", "none", "Color", [0.8710 0.49 0])
  set(findobj("Type","gridline"), "Color", [.871 .49 0])
  title("Fourier transform","FontSize",28)
  text(-5, -126, ['B = ' num2str(B,'%5.3f')],"FontWeight","bold","FontSize",14)
  ax2 = gca;

% Configure the plots so that they look right after the Perl post-processor.
% These are empirical values (trial & error).
% Note: Would move labels and title closer to axes, if I could figure out how to do it.
  x1 = .08;         %   left margin for y-axis labels
  x2 = .02;         %  right margin
  y1 = .14;         % bottom margin for x-axis labels
  y2 = .14;         %    top margin for title
  ws = .13;         % whitespace between plots
  width  = (1-x1-x2-ws)/2;
  height = 1-y1-y2;
  set(ax1,"Position", [x1         y1 width height])      % [left bottom width height]
  set(ax2,"Position", [1-width-x2 y1 width height])
%Construct a filename from input arguments.
  if (strcmp (wfilename, ""))
    wfilename = wname;
  if (strcmp (wfilespecifier, ""))
    wfilespecifier = wspecifier;
  if (strcmp (wfilespecifier, ""))
    savetoname = cstrcat("Window function and frequency response - ", wfilename, ".svg");
    savetoname = cstrcat("Window function and frequency response - ", wfilename, " (", wfilespecifier, ").svg");
  print(savetoname, "-dsvg", "-S1200,600")
% close    % Relocated to the top of the function

global N L 
% Generate odd-length, symmetric windows
N = 2^16;          % Large value ensures most accurate value of B
n = 0:N;
L = length(n);     % Window length

w = ones(1,L);
plotWindow(w, "Rectangular")

w = 1 - abs(n-N/2)/(L/2);
plotWindow(w, "Triangular")

% Indistinguishable from Triangular for large N
% w = 1 - abs(n-N/2)/(N/2);
% plotWindow(w, "Bartlett")
w = parzenwin(L).';
plotWindow(w, "Parzen");

w = 1-((n-N/2)/(N/2)).^2;
plotWindow(w, "Welch");

w = sin(pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Sine")
w = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(2*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Hann")
w = 0.53836 - 0.46164*cos(2*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Hamming", "Hamming", 'a_0 = 0.53836', "alpha = 0.53836")
w = 0.42 - 0.5*cos(2*pi*n/N) + 0.08*cos(4*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Blackman")
w = 0.355768 - 0.487396*cos(2*pi*n/N) + 0.144232*cos(4*pi*n/N) -0.012604*cos(6*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Nuttall", "Nuttall", "continuous first derivative")

w = 0.3635819 - 0.4891775*cos(2*pi*n/N) + 0.1365995*cos(4*pi*n/N) -0.0106411*cos(6*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Blackman-Nuttall", "Blackman-Nuttall")
w = 0.35875 - 0.48829*cos(2*pi*n/N) + 0.14128*cos(4*pi*n/N) -0.01168*cos(6*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Blackman-Harris", "Blackman-Harris")
% Matlab coefficients
a = [0.21557895 0.41663158 0.277263158 0.083578947 0.006947368];
% Stanford Research Systems (SRS) coefficients
% a = [1  1.93  1.29  0.388  0.028];
% a = a / sum(a);
w = a(1) - a(2)*cos(2*pi*n/N) + a(3)*cos(4*pi*n/N) -a(4)*cos(6*pi*n/N) +a(5)*cos(8*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "flat top")
% The version using \sigma no longer renders correct thumbnail previews.
% Ollie's older version using &#963; seems to solve that problem.
sigma = 0.4;
w = exp(-0.5*( (n-N/2)/(sigma*N/2) ).^2);
% plotWindow(w, "Gaussian", "Gaussian", '\sigma = 0.4', "sigma = 0.4")
  plotWindow(w, "Gaussian", "Gaussian", "&#963; = 0.4", "sigma = 0.4")
% Confined Gaussian
global T P abar target_stnorm
N = 512;                % Reduce N to avoid excessive computation time
n = 0:N;
L = length(n);          % Window length

target_stnorm = 0.1;
function [g,sigma_w,sigma_t] = CGWn(alpha, M)
  % determine eigenvectors of M(alpha)
  global L P T
  opts.maxit = 10000;
  if(M ~= L)
    [g,lambda] = eigs(P + alpha*T, M, 'sa', opts);
    [g,lambda] = eig(P + alpha*T);
  sigma_t = sqrt(diag((g'*T*g) / (g'*g)));
  sigma_w = sqrt(diag((g'*P*g) / (g'*g)));
function [h1] = helperCGW(anorm)
  global L abar target_stnorm
  [~,~,sigma_t] = CGWn(anorm*abar,1);
  h1 = sigma_t - target_stnorm * L;
% define alphabar, and matrices T and P
T = zeros(L,L);
P = zeros(L,L);
for m=1:L
  T(m,m) = (m - (L+1)/2)^2;
  for l=1:L
    if m ~= l
      P(m,l) = 2*(-1)^(m-l)/(m-l)^2;
      P(m,l) = pi^2/3;
abar = (10/L)^4/4;
[anorm, aval] = fzero(@helperCGW, 0.1/target_stnorm);
[CGWg, CGWsigma_w, CGWsigma_t] = CGWn(anorm*abar,1);
sigma_t = CGWsigma_t/L          % Confirm sigma_t
w = CGWg * sign(mean(CGWg));
w = w'/max(w);
% \sigma_t works correctly in actual file, but not in thumbnail versions.
% plotWindow(w, "Confined Gaussian", "Confined Gaussian", '\sigma_t = 0.1', "sigma_t = 0.1");
  plotWindow(w, "Confined Gaussian", "Confined Gaussian", "&#963;&#8348; = 0.1", "sigma_t = 0.1");

  N = 2^16;          % restore original N
  n = 0:N;
  L = length(n);     % Window length

global denominator;
sigma = 0.1;
denominator = (2*L*sigma).^2;
function [gaussout] = gauss(x)
  global N denominator
  gaussout = exp(- (x-N/2).^2 ./ denominator);
w = gauss(n) - gauss(-1/2).*(gauss(n+L) + gauss(n-L))./(gauss(-1/2 + L) + gauss(-1/2 - L));
% \sigma_t works correctly in actual file, but not in thumbnail versions
% plotWindow(w, "App. conf. Gaussian", "Approximate confined Gaussian", '\sigma_t = 0.1', "sigma_t = 0.1");
  plotWindow(w, "App. conf. Gaussian", "Approximate confined Gaussian", "&#963;&#8348; = 0.1", "sigma_t = 0.1");

alpha = 0.5;
a = alpha*N/2;
w = ones(1,L);
m = 0 : a;
if( max(m) == a )
  m = m(1:end-1);
M = length(m);
w(1:M) = 0.5*(1-cos(pi*m/a));
w(L:-1:L-M+1) = w(1:M);
% plotWindow(w, "Tukey", "Tukey", '\alpha = 0.5', "alpha = 0.5")
  plotWindow(w, "Tukey", "Tukey", "&#945; = 0.5", "alpha = 0.5")

epsilon = 0.1;
a = N*epsilon;

w = ones(1,L);
m = 0 : a;
if( max(m) == a )
  m = m(1:end-1);
% Divide by 0 is handled by Octave.  Results in w(1) = 0.
  z_exp = a./m - a./(a-m);
  M = length(m);
  w(1:M) = 1 ./ (exp(z_exp) + 1);
  w(L:-1:L-M+1) = w(1:M);

% The original method is harder to understand:
t_cut = N/2 - a;
T_in = abs(n - N/2);
z_exp = (t_cut - N/2) ./ (T_in - t_cut)...
      + (t_cut - N/2) ./ (T_in - N/2);
% The numerator forces sigma = 0 at n = 0:
  sigma =  (T_in < N/2) ./ (exp(z_exp) + 1);        
% Either the 1st term or the 2nd term is 0, depending on n:
  w = 1 * (T_in <= t_cut)  +  sigma .* (T_in > t_cut);

% plotWindow(w, "Planck-taper", "Planck-taper", '\epsilon = 0.1', "epsilon = 0.1")
  plotWindow(w, "Planck-taper", "Planck-taper", "&#949; = 0.1", "epsilon = 0.1")

N = 2^12;               % Reduce N to avoid excess memory requirement
n = 0:N;
L = length(n);          % Window length

alpha = 2;
s = sin(alpha*2*pi/L*[1:N])./[1:N];
c0 = [alpha*2*pi/L,s];
A = toeplitz(c0);
[V,evals] = eigs(A, 1);
[emax,imax] = max(abs(diag(evals)));
w = abs(V(:,imax));
w = w.';
w = w / max(w);
% plotWindow(w, "DPSS", "DPSS", '\alpha = 2', "alpha = 2")
  plotWindow(w, "DPSS", "DPSS", "&#945; = 2", "alpha = 2")

alpha = 3;
s = sin(alpha*2*pi/L*[1:N])./[1:N];
c0 = [alpha*2*pi/L,s];
A = toeplitz(c0);
[V,evals] = eigs(A, 1);
[emax,imax] = max(abs(diag(evals)));
w = abs(V(:,imax));
w = w.';
w = w / max(w);
% plotWindow(w, "DPSS", "DPSS", '\alpha = 3', "alpha = 3")
  plotWindow(w, "DPSS", "DPSS", "&#945; = 3", "alpha = 3")

N = 2^16;          % Restore original N
n = 0:N;
L = length(n);     % Window length
alpha = 2;
w = besseli(0,pi*alpha*sqrt(1-(2*n/N -1).^2))/besseli(0,pi*alpha);
% plotWindow(w, "Kaiser", "Kaiser", '\alpha = 2', "alpha = 2")
  plotWindow(w, "Kaiser", "Kaiser", "&#945; = 2", "alpha = 2")
alpha = 3;
w = besseli(0,pi*alpha*sqrt(1-(2*n/N -1).^2))/besseli(0,pi*alpha);
% plotWindow(w, "Kaiser", "Kaiser", '\alpha = 3', "alpha = 3")
  plotWindow(w, "Kaiser", "Kaiser", "&#945; = 3", "alpha = 3")
alpha = 5; % Attenuation in 20 dB units
w = chebwin(L, alpha * 20).';
% plotWindow(w, "Dolph-Chebyshev", "Dolph-Chebyshev", '\alpha = 5', "alpha = 5")
  plotWindow(w, "Dolph&#8211;Chebyshev", "Dolph-Chebyshev", "&#945; = 5", "alpha = 5")
w = ultrwin(L, -.5, 100, 'a')';
% \mu works correctly in actual file, but not in thumbnail versions
% plotWindow(w, "Ultraspherical", "Ultraspherical", '\mu = -0.5', "mu = -0.5")
  plotWindow(w, "Ultraspherical", "Ultraspherical", "&#956; = -0.5", "mu = -0.5")

tau = (L/2);
w = exp(-abs(n-N/2)/tau);
% plotWindow(w, "Exponential", "Exponential", '\tau = N/2', "half window decay")
  plotWindow(w, "Exponential", "Exponential", "&#964; = N/2", "half window decay")
tau = (L/2)/(60/8.69);
w = exp(-abs(n-N/2)/tau);
% plotWindow(w, "Exponential", "Exponential", '\tau = (N/2)/(60/8.69)', "60dB decay")
  plotWindow(w, "Exponential", "Exponential", "&#964; = (N/2)/(60/8.69)", "60dB decay")

w = 0.62 -0.48*abs(n/N -0.5) -0.38*cos(2*pi*n/N);
plotWindow(w, "Bartlett-Hann", "Bartlett-Hann")

alpha = 4.45;
epsilon = 0.1;
t_cut = N * (0.5 - epsilon);
t_in = n - N/2;
T_in = abs(t_in);
z_exp = ((t_cut - N/2) ./ (T_in - t_cut) + (t_cut - N/2) ./ (T_in - N/2));
sigma =  (T_in < N/2) ./ (exp(z_exp) + 1);
w = (1 * (T_in <= t_cut) + sigma .* (T_in > t_cut)) .* besseli(0, pi*alpha * sqrt(1 - (2 * t_in / N).^2)) / besseli(0, pi*alpha);
% plotWindow(w, "Planck-Bessel", "Planck-Bessel", '\epsilon = 0.1, \alpha = 4.45', "epsilon = 0.1, alpha = 4.45")
  plotWindow(w, "Planck&#8211;Bessel", "Planck-Bessel", "&#949; = 0.1, &#945; = 4.45", "epsilon = 0.1, alpha = 4.45")

alpha = 2;
w = 0.5*(1 - cos(2*pi*n/N)).*exp( -alpha*abs(N-2*n)/N );
% plotWindow(w, "Hann-Poisson", "Hann-Poisson", '\alpha = 2', "alpha = 2")
  plotWindow(w, "Hann&#8211;Poisson", "Hann-Poisson", "&#945; = 2", "alpha = 2")
w = sinc(2*n/N - 1);
plotWindow(w, "Lanczos")

% optimized Nutall
ak = [-1.9501232504232442 1.7516390954528638 -0.9651321809782892 0.3629219021312954 -0.0943163918335154 ...
0.0140434805881681 0.0006383045745587 -0.0009075461792061 0.0002000671118688 -0.0000161042445001];

n = -N/2:N/2;
n = n/std(n);
w = 1;
for k = 1 : length(ak)
% This is an array addition, which expands the dimension of w[] as needed, and the value "1" is replicated.
   w = w + ak(k)*(n.^(2*k));
w = w/max(w);
plotWindow(w, "GAP optimized Nuttall")

The generated SVG files should be post-processed by a perl script (thanks to {{U|Olli Niemitalo}}), which scans the current directory for .svg files and makes the necessary changes if they have not already been made. The script (below) does the following:
  • change the SVG metadata title from "Gnuplot" to the body of the file name, and
  • replace UNICODE characters with actual Greek letters, and
  • replace Greek characters created by the Octave script with better-looking versions, and
  • move the title and axis labels farther away from the graph to prevent overlap.

Perl code


opendir (DIR, '.') or die $!;  ## open the current directory , if error exit
while ($file = readdir(DIR)) {  ## read all the file names in the current directory
  $ext = substr($file, length($file)-4);  ## get the last 4 letters of the file name
  if ($ext eq '.svg') {    ## if the file extension is '.svg'
    print("$file\n");    ## print file name
    ($pre, $name) = split(" - ", substr($file, 0, length($file)-4));  ## split the filename in 2
    @lines = ();  ## dummy up an array
    open (INPUTFILE, "<", $file) or die $!;  ## open up the file for reading
    while ($line = <INPUTFILE>) {  ## loop through all the lines in the file
      $line =~ s/&amp;/&/g;   ## replace "&amp;" with "&" , get rid of semicolon
      if ($line eq "<title>Gnuplot</title>\n") {  ## if line is EXACTLY equal to "<.....>\n" then
        $line = '<title>Window function and its Fourier transform &#8211; '.$name."</title>"."\n"; ## set the line to a new value, &#8211 - is unicode for a dash
                                                                                                   ## the .$name. concatenates the strings together
      }  ## end if
      @lines[0+@lines] = $line;  ## append to the output array the value of the modified line
    }  ## end loop
    close(INPUTFILE);   ## close the input file
    open (OUTPUTFILE, ">", $file) or die $!;   ## open the output file
    for ($t = 0; $t < @lines; $t++) {  ## loop through the output array, printing out each line
      print(OUTPUTFILE $lines[$t]);
    }  ## end loop
    close(OUTPUTFILE);   ## close the output file
  }  ## end if
}  ## end loop
closedir (DIR);  ## close the directory


נא להוסיף משפט שמסביר מה הקובץ מייצג

פריטים שמוצגים בקובץ הזה



היסטוריית הקובץ

ניתן ללחוץ על תאריך/שעה כדי לראות את הקובץ כפי שנראה באותו זמן.

תאריך/שעהתמונה ממוזערתממדיםמשתמשהערה
נוכחית20:48, 20 בנובמבר 2019תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־20:48, 20 בנובמבר 2019‪256 × 512‬ (157 ק"ב)Bob KDisplay parameter B on frequency distribution
01:54, 6 באפריל 2019תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־01:54, 6 באפריל 2019‪256 × 512‬ (156 ק"ב)Bob KChange xticks label from N-1 to N, because of changes to article [Window function]
23:27, 16 בפברואר 2013תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־23:27, 16 בפברואר 2013‪256 × 512‬ (131 ק"ב)Olli NiemitaloFrequency response --> Fourier transform
12:18, 13 בפברואר 2013תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־12:18, 13 בפברואר 2013‪256 × 512‬ (131 ק"ב)Olli NiemitaloFont, dB range
06:01, 13 בפברואר 2013תמונה ממוזערת לגרסה מ־06:01, 13 בפברואר 2013‪256 × 512‬ (131 ק"ב)Olli NiemitaloUser created page with UploadWizard

אין בוויקיפדיה דפים המשתמשים בקובץ זה.

שימוש גלובלי בקובץ

אתרי הוויקי השונים הבאים משתמשים בקובץ זה:
